Home-Made and Modified Tools

Batteries That Store Renewable Energy

Some new technology creates batteries made from non-toxic materials that aren't... More

Vintage Handsaws

These humble hand tools still have a role for many carpenters, but you have to... More

Three Old-School Sawmills

Two are among the last of their kind and one is unlike any that ever existed.  More

A Stupid Simple Shop Drawing Stand

Simple? Yes. Stupid? No; it’s actually quite smart.  More

Removable Shop Drawers

These home-made boxes are drawers in the shop and tool storage bins on site. More

A Cheap Home-Made Pile Driver

All it takes is a chain, a plank, and six men with a good sense of rhythm. More

Japanese Stair Builders in Action

Their tools and methods are far more familiar than those of Japanese framers, but... More

Andy’s Paulk-Inspired Miter Saw Stand

This light-weight home-made stand sets up quickly, supports wide material, and can... More

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