You owe it to your clients to be knowledgeable about energy-efficient upgrades so you can offer relevant home-performance upgrades for their home. More
Getting a home-performance division set up quickly using the expertise and training materials of Home Performance Matters. More
Just how important is certification now that Home Star is gone? Many remodelers still see value in having their employees certified in home performance contracting. More
Some remodelers are making the most of government incentives to improve the performance of existing U.S. housing stock ó and to boost their bottom line. More
Home Star may be gone, but all is not lost. There are still abundant options for remodelers who want to capitalize on home performance work. More
Being certified as a home performance contractor, with certified personnel to perform the work, gives companies a big advantage in selling energy retrofits. More
The president of Neil Kelly Co. shares details on a new acquisition and persevering to grow a business. More