Unlike conventional welding methods, this makes use of a readily ignited aluminum-based powder. More
Roofing with asphalt shingles, bias against vocational education, working with caulk guns. More
This manufactured trailer has all the bells and whistles and appears to do everything except load itself. More
A tool company lawyer’s nightmare: crank-start gasoline engines, exposed belts and... More
A hydraulic lift cart makes a great outfeed table—especially one that is cleverly modified with bicycle parts. More
DumperDogg's polymer truck bed inserts turns your pickup truck into a dump truck... More
How many people does it take to move a house or a barn? It depends on the size of... More
These tools fall into the category of “bet you didn’t know such a thing existed.” More
A Reuters special report says production builders in dozens of states are “hoarding” the rights to oil, gas, and other mineral resources in the ground under the new homes they sell — often without the knowledge of home buyers. More
If your nail gun goes “Fssst” when you squeeze the trigger, it could mean you are treating it wrong. More