Houzz, the website for home remodeling and design that has begun selling guaranteed high-visibility listing space to pros, announced May 13 it has doubled to nearly 60 the †number of construction categories that visitors can use to find a contractor. More
Adding PolyPavement soil solidifier to dirt creates a waterproof drivable surface,... More
Tax credits can offset upgrades to energy-efficient metal and asphalt roofs. More
The maker's line of plantable concrete systems includes Drivable Grass, a gridded network of concrete tiles that are installed similarly to concrete pavers. More
For a smooth surface, cut the stones to fit and float them into place. More
Paying a teenager $30 to shovel your driveway might save you time and build his character, but available snow-melting systems can eliminate the chore altogether. Conceptually, these products resemble radiant heating for baths and kitchens. Using a heavier-duty wire, many systems are available as roll-out mats like those featured in interior systems, and are useful under multiple materials, including asphalt, concrete, or pavers. More
Whether caused by a shingle nail or a sheathing nail, the prescription is simple. More