Insurance work may look like a gravy train of good-paying remodeling jobs, but... More
Q. I'm involved in historic restoration and annually shoot a couple of hundred images. I'm looking for a simple (and inexpensive) software that will allow me to take the photos and do markups for comparison. What do you recommend? More
A Colorado builder explains how he poured a new foundation well around the existing one to provide support and a smooth surface for waterproofing. More
Q: I need to remove several layers of interior paint from elaborate egg-and-dart moldings in a historic house. What is the most efficient way to proceed? More
Q: I will be installing a 40-ft. length of wood gutter on a historic house. Can... More
Q: We are restoring a 19th-century Victorian home with a painted brick exterior. The client wants to remove the six or more existing layers of paint, down to the natural brick. What is the best way to remove the paint without destroying the brick or morta More