Pros from Wisconsin and Florida won Home for Life Awards from the National Association of Home Builders Remodelers for a pair of projects that exemplified excellence in aging-in-place and universal design principles. More
When clients are aging or have mobility issues, discussions about universal design can be awkward. CAPS remodeler Bill Owens shares ways to steer conversations toward a home's structural deficiencies and away from homeowners' disabilities. More
Technology has dramatically sped up the in-home sales process. Stay up to speed and increase sales by transitioning from pen and paper to a tablet computer. More
Ninety-four percent of luxury home buyers would give up 1,000 square feet of living space in their next home if they could get such tradeouts as living in a better neighborhood or getting a shorter commute, a new survey finds. More
The housing market still has momentum, according to the latest numbers. But the price rises appear to be slowing. More
Firefighters and home builders are still at odds over the issue of proposed code... More
The 2013 version offers more features than ever to help remodelers create a healthy, energy-efficient, accessible home for their clients. More
It's all fine and dandy if home energy ratings are accurate. But what if the ratings are bogus? More
They don't call it a concept house for nothing. Check out these design ideas that easily translate from a luxury home to your market. More
Even features that seems small -- such as lights turning on automatically -- can make a big impact for users. More