A sunroom specialist shows how to frame, glaze, and flash a durable, elegant solar addition. More
A skylight specialist walks through his procedures for retrofitting skylights in existing homes, including selling the job, layout, and installation. More
Standard flashing kits for curbed skylights don’t accommodate standing-seam metal roofing very well. This site-fabricated system uses mechanical interlocks instead of soldered joints to form a low-profile, watertight seal. More
The difference between one skylight and another is in the details. Here’s an overview of add-ons for roof windows. More
Skylight tubes, portable job-site cooler, flexible J-channel, low-VOC contact cement More
Most skylights in low-slope and flat roofs must be installed on a curb. More
Sunspace veterans Robert Chew and Ray Silva discuss the changing market for sunrooms, and their diversification from sunspace installers to successful remodelers. More
Remodeler Jack Tenhulzen explains how referrals from product distributors close at a high rate and can help your remodeling business grow. More