Bad things can happen if complex roofing, ganged framing, and marriage walls... More
When you can't redirect stormwater away from a house, the best solution might be... More
Retrofitting a basement with insulation can make it wetter. Here's how to avoid... More
When vermiculite insulation is discovered during demolition, assume it contains... More
On a low-slope roof, a single flaw can cause big problems. Here's a case study in... More
How an engineer fixed a simple framing error that could have resulted in a total... More
Building a small wooden structure on a steel trailer without considering climate... More
What to do - and what not to do - when installing synthetic slate roofing. More
Bill Robinson unpacks the Pelican case full of tools he uses to inspect for... More
Moisture causes wood to shrink and swell, but there are ways for carpenters to... More