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Perforated Pipe - Holes Up or Down?

The answer lies in how the pipe functions in the drainage systems you design. More

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Plantings on Leach Fields

Try to avoid bamboo and other rapidly-spreading plants, but if you can't, install... More

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Wastewater Heat Recovery Systems

Here’s how to make it less expensive to take a shower. More

Calculating the Risk of a Sewer Backup

When sewers back up, it’s bad. So what are the chances that it will happen? And will insurance cover the damage? More

Piping Wastewater Off Shore: Solution or Problem?

A Delaware city’s plan for an offshore “outfall” has sparked a public controversy. More

Miami Beach Fights High Tide with New Pumps

Facing a long-term problem with rising sea levels, the city of Miami Beach is installing new water pumps in low-lying areas. They may see action at the next full moon. More

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Gray Water's Time in the Sun

As the California drought grinds on, renewed interest in using grey water heats up. More

Miami-Dade Takes on Billion-Dollar Sewer and Water Upgrade

“A world-class city has good infrastructure,” Miami Mayor Carlos Gimenez said this month, as commissioners approved a 15-year, $1.6-billion program of investment in water and sewer pipes. More

Massachusetts Towns Consider Small-Scale Sewer Options
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