According to the maker, the TrussLox bracing system saves crane time and man hours when setting trusses.
According to the maker, the TrussLox bracing system saves crane time and man hours when setting trusses.

TrussLox lightweight, tough, and smartly designed truss clips look like they make all the sense in the world. Set for 24-inch-on-center spacing, they’re reusable, TrussLox says, and they save crane time and man hours. They’re safe and it looks to me like they wouldn’t take long to pay for themselves. Take one end and smack it over the top truss cord on each pitch. Fly it in, put on layout, then tilt into place. The tapered end clicks and locks over the previous truss. The more I think about this, the more I realize that what looks like a simple head-slapper-why-didn’t-I-think-of-that tool required some precise engineering and testing to work over and over again each time.

Made from heavy-duty plastic, TrussLox are reusable and are made by a mom-and-pop shop in the U.S. The maker calls them the “world’s greatest temporary truss locking system.” It might be on to something. Pricing is based on quantity and distributor availability. Check with TrussLox to find distribution in your area or to purchase direct.