ATMO® is a manufacturer of air quality and environmental monitoring solutions: Atmocube and Atmotube PRO.
Our mission is to empower individuals, businesses, and communities with hyperlocal air quality information. Through our innovative and user-friendly air quality monitors, we aim to make access to this vital data accessible to all.
Atmocube is an all-in-one indoor air and environmental monitoring device that measures the essential parameters necessary to assess the health conditions of spaces (PM1, PM2.5, PM10, TVOC, CO2, CH2O, Humidity, Temperature, Light Intensity, Noise Levels, Atmospheric Pressure).
Whether you aim to comply with green building standards, such as WELL and RESET, or want to maintain a safe indoor environment, Atmocube has got you covered.
Why choose Atmocube?
1. Reliability. With the RESET-Air Accreditation, you can trust that Atmocube provides reliable and precise readings every time.
2. Ease of use. The Cloud Dashboard and API access help facility managers make informed decisions about the air quality of their spaces.
3. Customizable design. Add your own branding and logo to the device, making it the perfect addition to any office or public space.
4. Interactivity. Your space occupants can learn about air quality in their surroundings by downloading Atmocube's free app that instantly connects them to the closest device and provides data and explanations about the different parameters. You can also display the air quality data on any screen.
5. Open and transparent. All sensor specifications are available on our website. The devices have free MQTT and Modbus if you prefer using a custom cloud solution / BMS / BAS. BACnet is coming soon.
Atmotube Pro is a wearable, portable, most advanced solution for both indoor and outdoor air quality tracking. With precise and reliable sensors, it accurately detects PM1, PM2.5, and PM10 pollutants, such as dust, pollen, soot, and mold spores.
Atmotube PRO measures real-time air pollution caused by harmful gases and a wide range of Volatile Organic compounds (VOCs) like acetone, methanol, benzene, ethanol, toluene, xylene, and formaldehyde. It also measures atmospheric pressure, temperature, and humidity.
Our devices have been used in over 100 research projects led by top universities and institutions worldwide. Learn more here:
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Atmotube PRO
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