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Tool Test: 3+ Horsepower Plunge Routers
The largest, most powerful routers you can buy are in the 3- to 3-1/4-hp class. If the motors were any larger, you couldn't run them on standard residential circuits. The most versatile of these machines are plunge routers. Their ability to plunge a bit into wood while the tool's base stays safely planted makes them essential for blind dadoes or any cutouts in the middle of a workpiece. Their plunge action also makes them the right tool for milling deep grooves or large edge profiles, because you can quickly cut with a series of smaller incremental passes, plunging the router slightly further down each time without changing the final depth setting. Finally, plunge routers cut deeper than fixed-base routers, so they are ideal for use in router tables; some

Straight Answers About Efficient Windows
Four independent experts weigh in on low-E coatins, orientation-specific glazing, window-selection tools, and more
Correcting an Out of Square Deck
We currently have taken over a job from a previous GC to which not all items were completed to "par". This week we began to examin the exterior deck. Unfortunetly, most of the joists are not level nor were they out of level due to framing for drainage away from the house. We will be using Ipe as the deck