A design company can set up discounts for different types of customers: repeat customers earning high discounts and walk-ins at lower rates. Follow these steps to create discounts in the catalog.
Step 1: Enter Catalog Tools via the shortcut bar.
Step 2: From the dialogue box, choose Edit/Create.
Step 3: From the Tools menu, choose Charges Editor.
Note: From the Charges Editor, you can also edit sales tax percentage, install fees, and shipping/delivery charges.
Step 4: From the Charges Editor dialogue box select the Rates tab. In the Catalog pull-down menu, select the catalog for which you wish to create a new rate.
Step 5: Choose Add to create a new customer rate structure or Edit for corrections to an existing rate.
Step 6: Enter a Long Description to add information about the discount that will appear in the Styles & Pricing menu box. Enter a User Code Description on Price 1 line. If you wish to enter an Overall Discount (this line will discount everything priced through 20-20, including appliances, countertops, etc.), do so on the Price 2 line. In this example, entering 0.50 creates an overall discount of 50%.
Note: The program default blocks access to Charges from the Design portion of the program. To overwrite this default, enter 0 on the MENUCH line.
Step 7: Open Styles & Pricing and select the Catalog Charges tab. In the Rate dropdown, select the newly created discount.
In a report using this pricing method, every line will be discounted. The discounted amount will appear after totals, so the final document is clean and efficient.
—Nick Ritota, CKD, is senior design and software trainer for Merillat Industries. He is a featured speaker throughout the country on product, design, and CAD software. [email protected].
Other Edit Lines:
Price 3–Discount or markup of cabinets, fillers, attachments, moldings & toe kicks.
Price 4–Discount or markup of accessories.
Price 5–Discount or markup of appliances.
Price 6–Discount or markup of countertops.
Price 7–Overall cost factor.*
Price 8–Cost factor for items selected above the cabinet total.
Price 9–Cost factor for items selected above the accessories total.
Price 10–Cost factor for items above the appliance total.
Price 11–Cost factor for items above the countertop total.
*By entering cost factors, you can generate a Cost/Sell Report that shows list price, cost, retail and gross margin per item.