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Total residential units shipped, including windows, patio doors, and entry doors, increased from 63.3 million units shipped in 2018 to 65 million units in 2019, according to the Window & Door Manufacturers Association's (WDMA) 2020 U.S. Industry Market Study. The report provides data and insights to understand the industry's performance and identifies key trends and the future direction of the industry.

According to the study, total commercial units shipped, including architectural doors and commercial built windows, remained fairly constant in 2019 relative to 2018. Window shipments experienced moderate growth in 2019 while patio door shipments grew significantly during the same period. Entry door shipments experienced a slight decrease in 2019, according to the WDMA.

WDMA reported that the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is affecting the window and door industry in the short term through rising unemployment, diminished consumer and contractor confidence, and decreased housing starts among other factors. The 2020 market study includes an analysis of the attitudinal drivers of homeowners and contractors and key macro drivers in the residential and commercial markets.

The 2020 report is based on industry input for product shipments in 2019 and surveys of professional contractors and primary channel retailers. The report also includes regional data, historical data from 2017 and 2018, and forecast data for 2020 through 2022. The complete study is available for purchase online from the WDMA.