Location: Ann Arbor, Mich.
Contractor: Doug Selby,
Meadowlark Builders, Ann Arbor
Designer: Michael R. Klement, AIA,
Architectural Resource, Ann Arbor
Though the architect did not initially consider LEED certification for this project, when his design, the homeowner’s goals for the remodel, and the builder’s construction knowledge aligned, he opted to apply. The remodeled house earned Platinum level certification — the first house in Michigan to do so.
The team started by demolishing the structure’s collapsed rear portion and salvaging the materials for the new design. The house has a new basement, updated first and second floors, and a wrap-around front porch.
The project successfully marries green building principles with the home’s traditional style, something that one of the judges noted will educate the public that sustainable building techniques can work with any style home.
The green features, which the architect estimates added 15% to the cost of the project, include an insulated concrete form (ICF) basement foundation, a geothermal heating/cooling system, a tankless water heater, and Energy Star appliances and fixtures.
The judges also praised the use of reclaimed timbers for the stair treads and legs of the custom dining table.
—Nina Patel, senior editor, REMODELING.