Remodelers joke that they put in so much time on the job that a 40-hour work week would feel like a vacation. New research from an online estimate service backs those claims.

We asked Clear Estimates, an Ann Arbor, Mich.-based online service that helps automate the estimating process, to track the time in which its remodeling customers logged in during April. This chart shows the hour in which 13,076 login sessions began that month,

Which hour of the day more than 13,000 logins were made by remodelers using the ClearEstimates system in April 2017.
Clear Estimates

Clear Estimates found:

  • Nearly 22% of the sessions were launched between 6 p.m. local time and midnight.
  • More than 13% of the sessions began between 8 p.m. and midnight.
  • Just over 15% of the sessions were launched on a Saturday or Sunday.

Logins were more or less even during the workweek until Friday:

Which day of the week more than 13,000 logins were made by remodelers using the ClearEstimates system in April 2017.
Source: Clear Estimates

That Wednesday dip appears to be most pronounced during the lunch hour. Here's the login count just for the noon-to-2 p.m. period on Monday through Friday. It shows there were 25% fewer logins during those hours on Wednesday than occurred in the same time block on Monday.

How many logins were made by remodelers using the ClearEstimates system between noon and 2 pm Monday-Friday in April 2017.
Clear Estimates

What's behind that? Perhaps Wednesday is when staff and owners are most likely to go out to lunch, Clear Estimates suggested.

Keep in mind that these numbers cover when a customer logged in, not how long they stayed online. Some people might have remained logged in all day, or even all week. But given the share of logins after 6 p.m. to produce estimates,, it appears likely that remodelers devote evening hours to at least this kind of paperwork.

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