If Ron Paulk's original portable workbench was excellent (and it was), then this new and improved version is beyond excellent.

Ron is a builder in Anacortes, Washington, and a couple of years back he posted a video of his portable workbench. It was so popular he ended up selling plans for it online. A friend of mine built one and it's a first-rate portable bench. The top consists of two 2x8 hollow plywood boxes (box beams basically) with openings cut through the sides so tools and supplies can be tucked inside. It's supported by a pair of plywood horses that fold flat for transport. Clamps can be slipped through a series of holes in the top and used as hold-downs.

The original workbench was made from solid stock and 1/2- and 3/4-inch plywood. Version II is made from 1/2-inch plywood alone and is said to be lighter, cheaper, and easier to build. What's more, it incorporates an integrated router table and has a place to hang a portable table saw so you can leave the saw stand at home and use the bench as an oversize outfeed table.

Plans for the bench go for $10 and are sold from Ron's website. I have not seen the new ones but the old ones were very well done.

If the bench interests you, you might also want to check out Ron's mobile wood shop.