While Sandy's strongest winds and worst flooding occurred on the ocean shores of New Jersey, Connecticut shoreline communities on the Long Island Sound also got a beating. Oceanfront property within commuting distance of New York commands a high dollar; as the Associated Press reported, the damage was extensive, and expensive ("Storm Leaves Connecticut Gold Coast Shaken," by John Christoffersen).

Example: "In Fairfield, Arthur Yann found the basement of his house near the beach filled with water. Antique furniture and the paintings of Nantucket where he and his wife, Amy, enjoy vacationing, may not be salvageable. The water even reached the second floor, destroying a Persian rug."

Remodeler Jeff Titus owns Titus Built, LLC, in Fairfield County, Conn. Titus recently completed an award-winning remodel on the water in the Harbor View neighborhood of Norwalk, Conn. In a blog post at this company website, Titus says the damage to the neighborhood was severe (see photos). Fortunately, says Titus, his high-profile project in the neighborhood escaped with little damage.

Built with code-compliant details including impact-resistant windows and flood vents, this house by Titus Built escaped the storm with minimal exterior damage and little water penetration. And in general, Connecticut got off relatively lightly in Super Storm Sandy. As of Monday, the Hartford Courant reported, only 30,000 utility customers in the state were still without power.