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Storm Rooms: Safe Rooms
More than 1,000 tornadoes touch down in the United States each year, according to the Weather Channel, ripping through communities with wind speeds of up to 318 mph. Many homeowners in tornado-prone areas of the country are seeking protection by adding safe rooms and storm rooms. There are many manufacturers of prefabricated storm rooms and safe rooms, and some -- such as RemagenSafeRooms, KeepSafe, New Necessities, and Zytech Engineering -- make both.
Evolving products and tools
We've seen significant changes and advances in products used in the remodeling industry during the past 20 years. Here's a look at the most remarkable transformations.
Product List
Know the product you want but not who makes it? Manufacturers are listed under applicable product headings (see detailed listing of categories at right), along with their websites for quick reference.