The U.S. Department of Commerce announced affirmative determinations in its antidumping and countervailing duty investigations of imports of quartz surface products from India and Turkey.
The investigation determined producers and exporters from India and Turkey have sold quartz surface products at less than fair value in the United States at rates ranging from 2.67% to 5.15% for India and up to 5.17% for Turkey, according to a news release. Additionally, the Department of Commerce determined producers and exporters from India and Turkey received countervailable subsidies at rates ranging from 1.57% to 2.34% for India and at a rate of 2.43% for Turkey.
Imports of quartz surface products from India and Turkey were valued at an estimated $69.5 million and $28 million in 2018, respectively. Eden Prairie, Minn.-based Cambria Company was the lead petitioner for the Department of Commerce investigation.
The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) is currently scheduled to make its final injury determinations in mid June. If the ITC makes affirmative final injury determinations, the U.S. Department of Commerce will issue antidumping and countervailing duty orders. If the ITC makes negative final determinations, the investigations will be terminated, and no orders will be issued.