As Ridley Wills, president of The Wills Co., in Nashville, Tenn., wryly remarked, “Linda, you were able to attend your own funeral! How many people get that opportunity?” And indeed I did and it was overwhelmingly wonderful.

In 2010 Remodelers Advantage asked remodelers around the country to video their thoughts on the impact that my teaching had had on their lives. The resulting video was shown at our Remodelers Advantage 2010 Summit. I can tell you that they were way too generous. In our consulting business it takes two to make a change. We may recommend an action but the really hard work is in the remodeler’s execution of that action.

Getting To Know You

I’ve been noodling around with the idea of retiring for three years now; dillydallying around but knowing there would come an appropriate day. That day is Dec. 31, 2011 and I am saying “au revoir” (till we meet again) to you my readers and all the great folks I have met over the 35 years that I have been part of this wonderful industry.

My partner Victoria Downing and I made a key decision in the early ’90s — as we remodeled our business — to work with a limited number of clients over a longer period of time so we could get to know them really well and be part of their lives. That key decision has led to lengthy relationships that have stood many tests, including the test of time.

Lasting Lessons

Those generous folks who sent in the videos didn’t know a secret: I learned more from them than they did from me! Here’s a sampling of life and business lessons from our clients that I hold dear.

  • The more you open up, the more vulnerable you allow yourself to be, the harder people will work to help you.
  • The right answers come from asking the right questions.
  • Play to your strengths and hire to your weaknesses.
  • Sharing solutions means you’ll avoid reinventing the wheel. Give one idea, get 10 back.
  • Great power and leadership and friendship lie in humility.
  • Success comes one third from having a great idea or concept. The other two thirds comes from the execution.
  • Companies that succeed build great teams and trust them to help govern. Nothing beats a brain trust working on your behalf.
  • Feedback — from your staff, your clients, your peers — is the breakfast of champions.

And last but not least ...

  • Never get behind a large group of remodelers in the buffet line!

–Linda Case founded Remodelers Advantage, a national company that gives remodelers the tools to achieve profitability and success.