OSHA has cited Martin Davila—doing business as Davila Construction—for exposing employees to fall hazards at three separate job sites across Missouri. The residential roofing company faces $205,098 in proposed penalties for the violations in May, June, and August 2019, according to an OSHA news release.

Agency inspectors issued safety warnings at job sites in Wentzville, Mo., Grover, Mo., and St. Louis, Mo., for a failure to provide adequate fall protection for employees working at heights. Inspectors also cited Davila Construction for failing to train employees on fall safety hazards and procedures and the safe use of ladders, and for failing to provide personal protective equipment to employees using pneumatic nail guns. OSHA also alleges Davila Construction violated electrical safety standards by allowing the operation of an internal combustion engine in close proximity to a five-gallon gas can. The agency also cited the company for failing to develop and maintain a safety program. OSHA previously cited Davila Construction for the absence of a safety program in 2014.

“Workplace safety and health standards are legal requirements adopted to protect workers from hazards on the job,” OSHA St. Louis area director Bill McDonald said. “Disregarding required OSHA safety procedures places workers at risk for serious and fatal injuries.”

Davila has 15 business days from receipt of the citations and penalties to comply, request an informal conference with the OSHA area director, or contest the findings.