expanded its customer/remodeler matchmaking service today by unveiling a new service designed for real estate agents to use when clients need remodelers to fix up their homes.

Premier Home Services "helps agents streamline the booking and management process of home repairs for clients, and includes a dashboard that shares insight into a past client’s likelihood to sell or buy a home," San Francisco-based said in a statement. It's meant to be used both as a house is being prepped for sale and after buyers move into a home and come across things that need fixing or upgrading. 

With the service, real estate agents get "instant access to’s network of service providers, granting clients on-demand access to the right professional who can quickly complete any project, large or small," the web service said. Agents using Premier Home Services also can enlist to distribute their branded content to past and present clients, get a personalized website (see example), and take advantage of analytics showing how their clients are interacting with the digital platform. "Agents can learn whether any given client may be getting ready to buy or sell based on the website activity, such as assessing the value of their home, or researching home improvement projects," said.

Premier Home Services will be offered as a free service through the end of this year to real estate agents who sign up this month.