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Carpenters Kitchen (a title by TedS)
As the title states this is TedS's idea and title.
[ATTACH=CONFIG]27129[/ATTACH]The bird is brining. Make certain you use a food safe container. As you can see, it is in a field water cooler. This is an apple brine. You must refrigerate the bird, brining does not preserve. It soaked for 24 hours. This is the first time I've brined. I've
Hip drop
Got an interesting dilemma with my hip drop formula...I recently compared my results with some of the other results posted by Joe B(Hoping for some insight by him) and found that there is a slight difference in results and i mean slight.
My problem is that I can't find a reason why
here is the formula in question
This formula
What cameras do you use?
What Type/kind of cameras do you guys use for taking pictures of your work.