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Beyond the Basics With ICFs
Curved walls and arch-topped openings are possible with standard blocks.
Dance Floor
I'm looking at building a outdoor parvilion that can be used as a square dance floor and parties.
I've heard that you don't use concrete floors to dance on. I can build, but I'm clueless on "architectural dancing design" at present. :) The structure will be 40x40 timber frame with a open floor, climate is high desert. We will have
2nd floor joists
I have a job where I'll be adding a 2nd floor addition over a 22'x24'6 room ( existing room has trusses spanning long dimension). I was wondering which way to frame the floor joists, using 16" I-joists @ 16oc, 14" I-joists @12" oc, or a beam accross 22' length and use 2x10s. The problem is that the customer wants to