ROKK Tools, LLC was founded in 2012 by two craftsmen, Ryan P. Malone, and Timothy A. Gower, Jr.
Inspired by 20 years of hard labor and tightening budgets, ROKK Tools is redefining the way we work by redefining the tools we work with. Our flagship design "The ROKK" is the first of many new tools to come that will change your perspective on all of your construction projects. As a start-up company our co-founders have spent most of the past two years on prototyping and testing while making the transformation from a construction company to design and manufacturing.
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Hang Sheet Goods Alone Thanks to Rokk Tools
Designed by a drywall contractor, the Wood ROKKpro by Rokk Tools makes hanging drywall and sheathing a one-person job.
De-polutting Rough Framing - Bombing Refineries thread
There's a thread in rough framing that's become completely high-jacked by Robert, Allan, me, Dick, David Meiland (ironically enough), Lavrans, all the other usual suspects and a few others...
In an effort to stop the highjack, I'm posting my next reply, here, instead. Sorry for the excess political thread - it seemed the lesser of two evils.
[QUOTE=Riversong;428835]What Jefferson knew