For over 40 years we have supplied laboratory animal watering systems. We are dedicated to supplying our customers with quality and reliable products and service. Our philosophy is to design simple effective circulating systems that are easy to maintain and operate. We have always committed ourselves to supplying purified drinking water that is free of chemicals and contaminants that could effect your valuable animals and the research. A good example is our ReCIRC™ UV continuous circulating system , 24/7, that eliminates the use of harmful chlorination.
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excel formula problem for piano design
To those more knowledgeable,I have a bit of a problem creating a formula in excel.Part of piano design is knowing what percentage of the breaking strength a particular string is at. I have attached my spreadsheet.
This is a formula that I have tried, but it is good for only one string size.
(formula in cell K9) if E9=.775,((258/100)*G9)
I'm thinking of getting a dog from the pound, full grown female, spayed, big enough not to get eaten by the coyotes, maybe a mut, I don't really care. I'm not around enough to train a puppy. Other than the micro chip the dog catcher insist on, the whole process seems reasonable.
I know getting a good dog is hit
Builder Liability
Yes, we have expansive soils in some parts of Houston, particularly where I build. It’s not that bad, but you do have to be careful. Soils testing, engineering design, inspections, and involvement are critical. We build “pads” under our slabs, we excavate 24” of existing soil, come back with compacted fill, again, tested by the labs. I agree with