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Virutex Hinge router
I just saw an add for Virutex model FR29M hinge/strike router setup. It sounds great, no template needed, no holes in door/jams, just clamps on.
There is a video I watched online ,however it was in spanish. so I could only guess at what was said about it. I also found one @ online site that had it for sale..about
Miter-Table Saw Now in U.S.
Virutex has introduced a combination miter saw/table saw to the U.S. The TM33 takes a blade just under 12 inches in diameter and runs on 110 volts. A similar tool from Elu was briefly available in the U.S. in the 1980s, and the design has remained popular in Europe.
Virutex Lock Mortise Machine
OK, I know this is cheating to some...but I picked this machine up on Ebay for less than the cost of a full set of Ray Iles Hand mortise chisels. It was too good to be true, thank you EBAY! Talk about timing....I was shocked that no one bid against me on this one. So Here it is in action!