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Three Levels of Awesome Toolbox
Mark Clement explains why Craftsman's 3-in-1 Rolling Workshop is the perfect jobsite accessory.
Tapping the active adult market
Boasting fitness centers, open floor plans, and other amenities that appeal to affluent, socially active homeowners, age-restricted communities are proliferating in traditional Sunbelt retirement meccas as well as the Midwest, Northeast, and other regions where older consumers can be near their children, jobs, or alma maters. No wonder they're attracting homeowners as young as 55 ó prospective clients who might once have hired remodelers to help them “age in place” in their longtime residences.
The $100 Wood Rasp
The Auriou Toolworks rasp is crazy expensive, but when you see what goes into making one you’ll wonder how it can be sold for so little.