Did you know? The International Code Council recognizes insulated siding as a suitable material to meet continuous insulation requirements in the 2012 International Energy Coservation Code. Here are three insulated products to consider for your next siding project.Did you know? The International Code Council recognizes insulated siding as a suitable material to meet continuous insulation requirements in the 2012 International Energy Coservation Code. Here are three insulated products to consider for your next siding project.

Progressive Foam Technologies: Fullback V

Installed in the field or factory-applied, these contoured, rigid foam panels can make any vinyl siding on the market an insulated system. R-values range from 2 to 3.5.

Progressive Foam Technologies | 800.860.3626 |progressivefoam.com

CertainTeed: CedarBoards

Available in five profiles, numerous colors, and R-values up to 2.7, CedarBoards is GreenCircle certified. A Certified Environmental Facts label allows for informative product selection.

CertainTeed | 800.233.8990 | certainteed.com

ProVia: CedarMax

Available in double 6, single 7, and triple 4 profiles, the siding’s R-values range from 2.3 to 2.8. The rigid foam backing also stays straight and true even over subtly uneven walls.

Heartland Siding by ProVia | 888.728.0316 |provia.com

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