The better hidden fasteners fit, the more effectively they can resist lateral movement and the less likely they are to loosen up over time. Mantis Deck Clips are made in three different series to accommodate different common groove heights, allowing deck builders to choose the one that best matches a specific type of decking. Another feature of Mantis clips is that they elevate decking slightly above the joists, introducing a small gap between the framing and the bottom of the deck boards. Joists can then dry out because there’s no trapped water, reducing the risk of mold. Within each series, there are three different types of clips: starter clips and finish clips—which conceal fasteners on the first and last courses, respectively—and clips for use in the field. The coated steel clips are suitable for contact with ACQ and other treated lumber. A box with enough clips (including five each of starter and finish clips) and screws to secure 50 square feet of decking costs about $65. A 450-count bucket, enough for 250 square feet of decking, costs about $260 online. Start and finish clips are not included in buckets and can be purchased separately in packs of 25. Collated fasteners will be available early this year, Senco says. Senco Brands,