While scrolling through LinkedIn the other day I came across a post with a question that caught my eye: “Being easy to work with is a massively underrated career skill. I firmly believe this, who’s with me?” - Posted by Ryan Cormier
After reading through some of the comments, I was reminded why I hesitate to comment on subjective posts like this. Some people read too much into these questions and their comments veer down paths that the author never intended. At the same time, I realize that not participating is a weakness of mine, and getting involved in threads like this can pay dividends in building an online brand. So, I jumped in.
I agree that being easy to work with is a massively underrated career skill, and one that is not discussed often. At its most basic level: Just be a decent person.
The Golden Rule states “Treat people the way you want to be treated.”
Help out when needed. Don’t walk by a co-worker struggling with a task just because it’s not your job. Lend a hand getting a bulky object off a truck, help pull a hard-to-reach item off a shelf, help by picking up an incoming call when an inside salesperson is busy with another task. None of these tasks should be perceived as below your rank, or position with the company, no matter where you stand in the company. Instead, you’ll be seen as a team player who chips in when needed to help the whole team. The law of reciprocation also makes it more likely that co-workers will be more willing to lend you a hand when you need it.
Coach and counsel when needed. Sometimes the help people need goes beyond assistance with a task. They need help talking through an issue or problem, they need advice on handling a particular situation, they need to be held accountable to a result, and how their actions, or inaction, may have contributed to the result. This one is tougher, as few people crave unsolicited advice. Getting in the habit of listening to people and caring about your co-workers helps build the trust necessary to be seen as a coach or counselor.
Leave people better off. People feeling like they are better off for having known and worked with you will pay humongous dividends down the road. This is not just about co-workers, but also vendor representatives, customers, or anyone you encounter during a workday. Treat people with respect, expect the same in return, and, many times, the people you work with will feel better off by the experience. You will learn that controlling your emotions, being able to disagree in a productive way, and not taking every little thing too seriously can be very beneficial to you.
So, there you have it: Being easy to work is a career skill to celebrate and cultivate. Remember, help when needed, coach and counsel when needed, and leave people better off by having known and worked with you and you should never find yourself short of opportunities in your professional life.
Happy selling!