If you've ever paid any of your personal bills online, you might have considered how easy the whole process is, especially if you've set up an automatic direct debit from your bank account.

EZ Payment Services (www.ezpaymentservices.com) is an Internet-based service that offers that same Electronic Funds Transfer technology for small businesses. EZ Payment provides a Web-based interface, protected by 128-bit SSL encryption, that allows companies to automatically send electronic invoices and receive electronic payments directly to the company's account. Customers can choose to pay either by credit card or by electronic funds transfer, an account to account transaction. Users can set up automatic direct debits as well.

EZ Payment charges a $225 set-up fee, a $75 credit check fee, and then a monthly 75 cent per-invoice fee. With the exception of a $1.25 charge for insufficient funds, all other transactions are included. Also, client accounts can be set up to add the service fee to each invoice.