- 1. There is no glass ceiling on your life. The only ceiling is our own “limitations.”
- 2. Follow your heart and find your life’s mission.
- 3.Demonstrate love in all that you do. Impatience has no rewards.
- 4. Honesty is always the best policy if presented in a loving way.
- 5.Seek first to understand. If you want to be heard, you must first actively listen.
- 6. Remain a “target out-of-range.” Insults we hear are not about us — it’s about them, their fears.
- 7. Practice faithfulness and devotion. Cynicism is a black hole of energy. Trust yourself and others.
- 8. Empower those around you to do great things. Set them up for success.
- 9. Develop a sense of gratitude.
- 10. Learn how to be joyful by doing things that bring you joy, and by being with people who bring you joy.