The entirely dust-free jobsite may turn out to be the holy grail of remodeling projects, but being virtually dust-free is “what we’re known for in Atlanta,” says David Sturm (photo center, with his NARI-certified lead carpenters).

Sturm’s company, Attention to Detail, minimizes jobsite dust and dust migration by way of a system that combines off-the-shelf products with a little scientific know-how. The core product is the ZipWall barrier system, which securely encloses the work area while letting workers enter and exit through a zipper door. A carrying case makes the system portable from one job to another, and Sturm reuses everything but the plastic sheeting.

Sturm’s resourceful complement is a low-velocity fan, placed in an open window, that creates negative air pressure and sucks the dust outside. The window screen is removed, and a disposable filter captures most of the dust at the point of exit.

The protections continue outside the zipper door. Disposable tack pads, placed on a cardboard mat, grab dust from feet so homeowners can review progress without tracking dirt out.

The system delights clients and helps Sturm’s company earn its name. “There are a lot of innovations out there,” he says, “you just need to use them.” He adds that he is a firm believer in Murphy’s Law. “If you leave one small area unprotected, that is where the damage will occur.”

See more images of Sturm's dust-protective plan.

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