Gorilla Grip Gloves
Big Time Products
Street price: $5
I have specific criteria for work gloves. First, the gloves have to fit, meaning that when I'm wearing them, the answer to the following questions must be yes: Can I reach into my pouch and feel how many screws or nails I have between my fingers? Can I manipulate my tool triggers - especially the tools with smaller or housed switches, like my trim router? Can I handle materials from wood to sheet plastic to paint cans without being constantly aware that I'm wearing gloves? The answer with Gorilla Gloves is a triple-yes. I can even tie my shoes while wearing these gloves, and a few times, I've activated my phone's touch screen with them on.
Next, gloves must have primo "grip and slip." By grip, I mean that I can grab a hunk of lumber or work my wormdrive at an odd angle, sure-handed and all day. By slip, I mean that if I have to dig a hole or readjust my hand position on some wood while using the table saw, I can release pressure on the shovel handle or lumber and it will glide through my fingers. The Gorilla Grips pass this test handily, and they don't snag on anything, either.
Gloves must also be durable. Tearing down a deck, digging holes, roofing, and landscaping all press, pull, and puncture gloves - and skin. These Gorillas don't disappoint. I'm not sure I'm able to rip them. You can even throw them in the wash (I've melted coated-palm gloves like this in the dryer before) with little worry.
I don't want to fork over 25 bucks a pop for gloves that are going to fall out of my tool pouch or blow out of the back of the truck (I lose more gloves than I wear out). The Gorilla Grips are about $5 a pair, and I can keep a few extras in my glove compartment for the inevitability of one turning up missing.
It's also nice when I can buy gloves at a place I frequent. I get the Gorilla Grips locally at The Home Depot, which even carries two sizes: medium and large.
Contributing editor Mark Clement is a deck builder in Ambler, Pa.