Do I really need to explain why you want to watch this video?
Well, in case you need convincing: A) It's entertaining
B) You might learn something about what NOT to do.
On a more serious note, it's easy to make light of the accidents shown in this video because we don't know whether or not anyone was hurt – and in some of these accidents people could have easily been killed or seriously injured. I say this as someone who once got a telehandler up onto two wheels while cornering too fast with the forks up. Had I known at the time what the accident statistics were for this machine I would have been far more careful. Currently, 1 out of 6 workplace fatalities are forklift related and close to 25% of all U.S. forklift accidents occur in the construction industry.
For more on these and other statistics related forklift safety, see the infographic at the bottom of this page.