I usually work alone so I rely on certain devices to make handling heavy objects easier. One of my favorite heavy-duty helpers is the cordless Warn PullzAll winch (see video below). It has a pulling capacity of up to 1,000 pounds and a useful range of 13-14 feet. And with its dynamic brake that holds in position under load--even when powered down--it can be used both as a winch (for pulling) and as a hoist (for lifting and holding).

There’s a corded electric version of the tool with the same load- and duty-ratings, but since I use always use the PullzAll outdoors, I prefer the go-anywhere capabilities of the cordless model. I use it for strenuous odd jobs such as lifting heavy timbers, ripping out small stumps, and dragging massive loads into my truck, all without the need for a human helper.

Other good uses include lifting beams, standing long walls, tensioning fencing, pulling cable through conduit, and loading trailers. Any job that requires a come-along, cable grip puller, or chain or lever hoist may be easier to do with the push-button convenience of a PullzAll.

Operating the unit is easy. Insert the battery, toggle on the power button, slide the forward/reverse switch to the desired direction, and pull the trigger. Because of its brake, the PullzAll has to be run in reverse to let cable out, and as with all winches, make sure you keep the cable taut when spooling or unspooling to keep it from tangling inside.

I clocked the no-load speed of the winch at about eight feet per minute, but it moves more slowly when working hard. For precise positioning, the variable speed trigger lets you move items at a snail’s pace, but don’t overdo it—prolonged low rpm use under load can damage the motor.

When winching or hoisting, you’ll get the maximum power of 1,000 pounds of pull when the cable is all the way out and only 750 pounds when five feet of cable remains. The available power decreases because as more cable is wrapped around the drum, its diameter increases which effectively raises the gear ratio of the system.

As the winch hits 90% of its strength limit, a small LED warning light on the body of the unit glows red. When it hits 100%, the motor shuts down and the light flashes. After a few seconds the overload relay clicks off and you can pull the trigger again. Since it’s more important to watch the load than to watch the warning light, the overload shutoff is a useful feature for protecting the tool.

Whenever I have loads that the PullzAll can barely move or can’t move at all, I employ a cable pulley called a snatch block. With the pulley attached to the load and the cable end anchored back by the winch, the power is doubled up to one ton while the speed is halved. The pulley can also be used to change the direction of the pull, including attaching it to a top anchor point to perform lifts while keeping your feet on the ground.

The PullzAll has a conservative duty cycle that states the tool should be rested for 30 minutes after being run at full capacity for one minute or at half-capacity for two minutes. This seems very limiting. Since there is no easy way to judge the exact load on the winch in use and since the original version of the winch I used for years didn’t have a duty-cycle label, I have never observed this regimen. So far, my winches have survived without deliberate rest periods, but the warning is posted nonetheless.

The only real limitation I have found with the PullzAll is the frustrating fact that the battery pack cannot be removed and replaced while the unit is under load because the rear anchor hook is in the way. This means that a suspended load has to be set back down or secured by chains bypassing the winch cable (if possible) while enough slack is given to allow the battery to be accessed. When pulling loads, there’s usually no problem, but when the battery runs out during a lift, this short-sighted design flaw always creates a hassle.

PullzAll Models

  • 885030 Cordless PullzAll with 1 battery $269
  • 885005 Cordless PullzAll with 2 batteries $319
  • 885000 Corded Electric PullzAll $168
  • 885025 (Camo Pattern) Cordless PullzAll with 1 battery $312
  • 885020 (Camo Pattern) Corded Electric PullzAll $222

Country of Origin: China