According to Pete Fowler Construction Services, a company providing inspection, testing, and construction services, including claims and litigation support, three fatalities and hundreds of injuries occur each day on construction sites in the US. No one wants to be involved in such an accident, but when it happens your company needs to respond immediately. Do you know how?

For starters, the companies involved are obligated to step in and investigate the details. The outcome of those details decides how insurance companies and state authorities will rule on who is responsible for the accident and what claims may be paid or penalties accessed.

On Weds. July 20, the company will host "Construction Site Accident Claims 101" from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. Eastern (10:00 to 11:00 a.m. Pacific) to prepare all parties on how to handle these claims effectively. Insurance professionals need to know how to investigate a claim fairly and thoroughly with the full context of construction site safety standards. Legal professionals need the specific knowledge necessary to best represent their clients. Construction professionals must be aware of the investigation process and the consequences.

To register for the free webinar, click here.