Sales calls are tough. It’s important to separate identity from role -- at least that’s what I was once taught in a sales seminar. I think there is some truth to that but I am also going to respectfully disagree. It is true that we need to keep our “selves” out of it. I agree that it is important to leave the ego at home, realize it not all about me, listen more than I speak and keep my personal blues at bay. But I disagree that I need to be just a role player.
I don’t know about you but I am sick of inauthentic people. I understand we all need to have our radar up and I understand it’s important to be guarded to a certain degree; after all, not everyone is nice. And, there are some people out there looking to eat you alive. But when it comes down to engaging in a sales situation, we need to be “ourselves.”
And, it’s okay to be rejected. If I can grasp that tidbit alone, it frees me to engage the client, speak the truth, and even discuss money with abrasive prospects.
Loosen up, relax – you might even make a new friend. And, if you do – you will have just won yourself a repeat client. --Kathy Shertzer is office manager at DuKate Remodeling in Franklin, Ind.