What is value? Salespeople often struggle with a definition for the word value and how it relates to the profession of sales. It’s critically important to know your company value in the marketplace, but how you communicate your value may be of greater importance. This column will discuss both the “what” and “how" of communicating value.
The What
A simple definition for what value is “the total experience you deliver to your customer in the form of product, company and you”. Salespeople are quick to discuss the value of the companies they represent and the products they sell, but don’t always have a good story on them as the salesperson. What value do they bring – what do they do that is unique, and different than their competitors? Value is like a three-legged stool with one leg for the company you sell for, one for the products you sell, and the third for you as the sales person. If you don’t have a good story on all three legs, your selling yourself short. I’m not talking about a 10 minute “bragfest” on yourself, but a 15 to 30-second story on you … why do your customers buy from you? Most stories are going to be different, and based on your knowledge, experiences, strengths, etc. Many salespeople do not have one of these stories. If you do, and you communicate it, you will have an advantage over the competition.
Every customer is different, different challenges, circumstances, issues, economic realities, motivations etc. A one-size-fits-all type of presentation philosophy will not be as impactful as one tailored to the homeowner’s reality. Your base presentation will include some fundamental parts of your solution that should be relevant to all homeowners, but you want to bake-in some flexibility, and be able to highlight the individual homeowner's reality. Gaining insights into what's important to each homeowner requires discipline and focus on the part of the salesperson. It requires an ability to ask well thought-out questions, really listen to the customer and observe what you see around you. It also helps to go into your sales calls with a high level of curiosity about the selling situation you are entering.
The How
Which brings us to how we communicate our value. There are two powerful words that will add an immense amount of effectiveness to your sales communications with your customers. These two words are “You” and “Your.” Maximize your use of these two words when communicating with your customer, and minimize words such as “us”, “we”, “our”, “me” or “I”. Notice I didn’t say eliminate the use of these inwardly focused words but minimize your use of them. This is true in all forms of communication, verbal, text, email etc. The words “you” and “your” help homeowners begin seeing, feeling, and taking internal ownership of the solution. I look at a sales call as a journey down a path. Your goal should be to make it easy for the customer to figuratively grab your hand and follow you down this path. They are less likely to do that when all you use are inwardly focused words like me, me, me. When outwardly focused words are used, they are much more likely to grab your hand and follow you on this 45 to 90-minute journey that is a sales call, and they will experience it in a much more positive way.
Make it Yours
You may have noticed that the word “you” and "yours" was used a lot in this column, and that was not an accident. Many in-home salespeople have shared with me that the use of these two words leads to more engaging, and confident sales calls. Be more cognizant of the words you use during your communications with customers and see what a difference it can make in your sales results!