A: It takes no selling on your part to offer the lowest price. So now's when the selling begins.

What does your prospect want, the lowest price or the best price? This is a legitimate question and one you need to know the answer to before you present both your product and price. I went through all the remodeling projects my company did one year, and 58% of the time, had those jobs been done right to begin with, my company wouldn't have had to be there. Taking out previously replaced windows, replacing rotten wood that wasn't treated properly, the list is endless.

If you work to be the lowest bid, you have a much tougher challenge before you than working at being the highest. First off, I suggest you get the word "bid" out of your vocabulary. You don't bid work, you sell it. The low bidder is the guy who can't sell. The only thing he hopes will sell his work is his price. Don't worry, though. He won't be around long. There's always someone to take his place. --Phil Rea, Phil Rea & Associates, offering professional speaking, a money-making newsletter, Sales Pitch, and a powerful monthly sales meeting by phone to over 1,500 remodeling salespeople nationwide.