This article originally appeared on the HIVE website.

When Hanley Wood set out to create a conference conceived to bring together everyone in the housing ecosystem and get them involved in solving for housing’s biggest issues, it was understandably a big challenge. Yet, after the third year of the HIVE event, we recognize that because of the industry’s solidarity in pursuit of solutions for certain initiatives, it has shown impressive results.

Through the programming at the event, and through editorial and other media in the six months prior to the event, HIVE 2018 focused on purpose and profit – creating more affordable housing that more folks can access. More than 500 people gathered in Austin in November 2018 from all walks of housing to lend their perspective and shape their future initiatives.

The group challenged itself to not only bring some of the biggest issues to the forefront, but to do it in a way that allowed every perspective to be involved, to bring the controversy to the surface, and to then, and only then, start a discussion on how to reconstruct so that the future is different. One of the ways that HIVE did that was to extrapolate the content from across the day and half of programming in a final session, where several members of the HIVE Action Partnership, summarized and relayed three key takeaways.

  1. Diversity in collaboration.
  2. Shared information.
  3. Audits.

Here, in this short video, housing leaders Keith Rozolis, president and CEO of ABC Supply; Chris Herbert, research director at the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies; and Matt Franklin, president and CEO at MidPen Housing, tap into the HIVE content to share their thoughts.

And, since the conference, the conversation hasn’t stopped. Critical discussion and connections are forming through the HIVE online community – creating a place for architects and distributors to collaborate, a home for everyone to read case studies on successful innovation that they can implement on their projects, and a place to curate and to develop relationships that will help leaders analyze their short and long term business objectives.

Join the conversation – on Twitter, Facebook or request to join our LinkedIn Group. And, save the date for HIVE 2019, December 4 and 5 in Austin.

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