On a recent project, local Austin contractor Hardwood Designs installed and finished a beautiful pecan hardwood floor for me. I really think a floor like this can last 100 years if it's well maintained. But when it's installed over a concrete slab, as it was on this house, a little extra care needs to be taken to ensure long-term performance.

Here's the background on this project: …

It's a remodeled 1960's house with architecture by Webber + Studio Architects, in Austin, Texas.  This is a solid 3/4-inch pecan floor nailed to 3/4-inch plywood over a vapor barrier on a concrete slab.  We laid the floor with raw wood then sanded just the edges of the floor where base molding would hit the floor (in order to eliminate shoe molding, we install floors first, then base).

We condition the house after the floor install to keep the moisture content of the wood consistent.  RH of the house should be maintained under 60%.  I use portable ACs in the summer along with dehumidifiers to keep the RH below 60%. This process of conditioning the house is critical for hardwood, especially when it is installed over a concrete slab. For a detailed discussion on conditioning houses, see my November 2014 article in JLC.

I've used a lot of waterborne floor finishes over the years but my favorites are the ones made by BONA. See my past reviews on Bona Traffic and Bona Naturale. Bona Mega is about 30% less costly than Bona Traffic and is easier to work with because it's a one-part poly (no mixing). One coat of Bona Mega and this pecan floor is looking fantastic. I like the satin finish; not too shiny, not too matte/dull.

In conclusion, I'm a fan of Bona Mega.  This product has performed well, has a durable finish, and has the right sheen level.  The house with these photos was completed two years ago and it's still looking fantastic.  I would highly recommend this product for your wood-floor project.

Special thanks to Kristynik Hardwood floors who did a terrific job on this project. 

Risinger Homes is a custom builder and whole house remodeling contractor that specializes in Architect driven and fine craftsmanship work. We utilize an in-house carpentry staff and the latest building science research to build dramatically more efficient, healthy and durable homes.

To read this original article click here. Be sure to check out my video blog on YouTube.