In 1997, Joe Lstiburek (pictured above) published Building Science Corporation's first edition of Builder’s Guide: Cold Climates. In 2000, working with EEBA (then the Energy Efficient Builders Association, which evolved in 2008 to the Energy and Environmental Building Alliance), he published an updated version as Builder’s Guide to Cold Climates, along with three other guides to building in specific climate zones (mixed, hot-humid, and hot-dry/mixed-dry). This title was updated again in 2004, and now this storied reference has been refreshed once again.
From the start, Lstiburek's Builder's Guide to Cold Climates has been the No. 1 resource that every residential builder (and architect and engineer) should have on his or her bookshelf. This is the reference for understanding and properly detailing roof, wall, floor, and foundation assemblies to manage energy, moisture, and condensation. It's a reference that you will likely consult over and over again for every project, be it wood framed, steel framed, ICFs, or SIPs. Even on projects with high-performance fat walls of your own design, chances are high that this edition has you covered, and you'll be able to puzzle out the details using this guide.
The Builder's Guide to Cold Climates is available here from the Building Science Corporation.