Question 7: What Marketing Strategies ARE Working for You? Tim Burch,Burch Builders Group
Without a doubt, our grassroots marketing efforts are the ones that are working best. I spoke at a Chamber of Commerce event the other night about how to find the right contractor. These days, clients are deciding on companies that add value, have a good reputation, and go the extra mile for their community. We received three leads from this talk.

I also contact local and regional publications and newspapers all the time with story ideas. Anything we can do to get our name out there. Volunteering for the NARI Metro DC chapter [ editor's note: Burch is Chairman of the Board of the chapter] has also been great for our company and our staff. You are in front of the best of the best in your industry every month. Craig Durosko,Sun Design Remodeling Specialists
Face-to-face networking: face-to-face events, local grassroots efforts.

Peter Feinmann,Feinmann Inc.
Keeping in touch with our client base by doing smaller maintenance jobs. We started a home maintenance division in 2007; it helped us create profitability in 2008. We especially heard from past clients who we had lost touch with.

Dennis D. Gehman,Gehman Custom Remodeling

  • Face to face relationship building – takes long but works so much better than cold introductions when people first decide they want to remodel.
  • Website thru SEO (search engine optimization) and use of pay-per-click adwords.
  • Social networking.

Paul Irwin,Pattern Builders
Networking, referrals, job signage. As a recent start-up, I focus on 100% customer satisfaction for every project I do. And I explicitly ask for referrals. My clients know that I’ll do anything for them, and that I offer a unique combination of design and construction experience – they’re happy to refer to me friends and colleagues and I know this is the strongest foundation I can build for my business.

Chris Landis, Landis Construction
Referrals, staying in touch with past clients, SEO.

John Murphy, Murphy Bros. Designers & Remodelers
Direct mail to our past clients and current prospects seems to pay off well. Home shows can work but you've got to have a good booth and work them very hard! Jane Regan,HB Building and Design
We use a lead generation system,, and, which supply about 50% of our work. Advertising in the local yellow pages works. We are also on the BBB web site and get many referrals from it. Word-of-mouth and asking our satisfied clients for referrals works very well. Our best source of leads is from the HMB Chamber of Commerce and local Realtors with whom we have great relationships. They have given us our best referrals.

Alex Shekhtman,Elite Remodeling
All the basics are still good: contacting my old clients, personal cards/notes, networking in the community, meeting members of my circle of influence for lunch or coffee on a regular basis.