It’s 2017: If your firm doesn’t know how to utilize the Internet in a variety of ways, chances are business isn’t going so well. It’s no longer enough to have a lone Facebook page, or the website you first created in 2007. Here are nine ideas to help bring your firm into the the modern age of web marketing and improve your online presence.
1. Get Analytical - What’s the point of putting in the time for social media if you’re not finding out what’s working? Tools like Google Analytics, SEO Chat, TweetDeck, and AWeber can help you analyze web traffic, organize relevant posts, and connect you with potential clients on different platforms.
2. Be Heard - Podcasts have never been more popular, especially with millennials. For a couple hundred bucks, you can purchase all the equipment you need to create your very own podcast. By discussing different tools, jobs, and construction processes, you can give listeners important (and free) insight into your firm’s expertise and personality without having to actually meet anyone. To reach even more listeners, invite guests who will draw people who may not have been interested in remodeling initially.
3. Log Some Face Time - A few years ago, Steed Remodeling in Kansas City, Mo., decided to turn the cameras on itself. That way, when potential clients visited the website, they got to know Steed remodelers before they met them. In an industry where so many only focus on price, companies who offer superior customer service have a huge edge. Odd Fellows Contracting in Williamston, Mich., did something similar, sending prospects a “What to Expect at Our First Meeting” document that includes a video starring owner Bret Oleksyn, thanking the prospects and introducing himself. Do not underestimate the value of personal interaction.
4. Don’t Rely on TV - YouTube is another great tool not only to advertise, but to showcase yourself and your business. Jobsite and how-to videos are great ways to get exposure, and are essentially free to produce. Don’t be scared to recruit family or friends for these videos either. Just be sure to maintain some level of professionalism—you don’t want your company to seem cheap.
5. News Briefings - Newsletters are a simple tool to keep past clients informed of new services, promotions, and any other company developments. An ideal rate is one newsletter a month, and keep it on the shorter side: A couple key articles and/or videos will do the trick. Videos less than two minutes in length that are funny and relevant can be very effective. To make sure you’re reaching the right subscribers, periodically scrub email distribution lists and ask recipients if they are still interested in receiving messages.
6. Professionalism Reigns - You might think it’s a waste of money to hire professional photographers for remodels, but it’s worth every penny. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are perfect mediums to showcase projects, and professional photos will make your work seem that much better. These photos have a shelf life of 5 to 10 years, and it will save you time if you don’t have to worry about taking good pictures.
7. Forget the Sales - On social media, people don’t want to be sold to. They want information and updates. Use your pages to market yourself as an expert, and clients will flock to you. Show how you solve problems, post about your favorite materials, and share things that interest you.
8. Revamp Your Website - Make sure you’re updating your site constantly. People are browsing the web from more devices than ever—how does your website look on a smartphone? A tablet? Customers will be turned off if your site isn’t easy to navigate or up to date.
9. Heads Up - If you’ve landed a job, let the customer know who will be working in their house. Send a picture and a brief bio of the workers—it gives the client some background on your workers so they don’t feel like strangers.