Trim coil can ripple as it expands in warm weather. This is a problem only if it is face-nailed in cold weather. In addition to limiting face-nailing, try the following to avoid ripples:
- Don’t nail too snugly.
- Hem or crease the material to stiffen it.
- Drill or punch an oversized hole in the aluminum before nailing.
- Avoid nailing long fascia and rake pieces. Instead, hold them in place with utility trim and F-channel.
- On rakes and fascias, install a 1x2 at the top of the trim to provide a stepped profile. This stiffens the trim and limits rippling see illustration, below).
- To avoid face-nailing a fascia, insert the top of the trim coil under the drip-edge or into a piece of undersill trim and make a 11/4-in. bend at the bottom toward the soffit. Nail up through the bottom leg every 18- to 24-in.
For more about installing vinyl siding and trim, visit the JLC Field Guide here.
And for more on exterior trim of all kinds, visit the JLC Field Guide here.